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Michael Shilale Architects

Spring 2008 Newsletter
Michael Shilale, AIA, LEED
Chairs RBA's new 

Green Council

Michael Shilale, AIA, LEED has been named the Chair of the Rockland Business Association's (RBA) Green Council.   

This new committee had its kickoff meeting on Monday March 24th.   Over twenty RBA members attended the breakfast at Blue Hill Plaza for what was an informative and dynamic exchange. 

Michael Shilale believes businesses, builders, developers and municipalities need information and direction
walk the walk footprintMSA is

'Walking the Walk'

'Walk the Walk' is the tag line for the American Institute of Architect's (AIA) initiative on sustainability.  The call is being made for Architects throughout America to take the lead in the sustainable evolution.  

Through a series of tool kits, advocacy, seminars and an information clearinghouse the AIA is assisting and encouraging members to show, by example and leadership, how architects can 'save the planet'.

MSA has enthusiastically accepted this challenge and has registered their headquarters in New City, NY to be a LEED-EB certified building. 
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Michael Shilale Architects, LLP | 140 Park Avenue | New City | NY | 10956