Shilale Architects
Fall 2008 Newsletter
 Environmentally Sensitive Water Plant
Local Architect
Chosen for Ground Breaking Water Treatment Facility
When United Water started looking for a
firm to design an innovative, "green" water treatment
facility that would assist the company with their long
range water supply planning, Michael Shilale Architects
LLP of New City stood out. The resulting project, the
Haverstraw Water Supply Site, will be composed of two
separate buildings; an Intake Facility located on the
Hudson River bordering a marina and residential
properties, and a more remote Treatment Facility that
houses the water treatment equipment..
Energy Saving Performance Contracts
How to be
green on a budget! 
day we are asked to save energy, reduce our carbon footprint,
and save utility costs.
How can we implement these important energy and cost
saving measures without spending a lot of money? One
answer is Energy Saving Performance Contracts (ESPC's).
Federal, State and Local governments, as well as school
districts, have been implementing ESPC's for years and
private owners can also benefit from this innovative